
Artificial Nutrition

Robotic Online Workshop

Artificial Nutrition
Date: 22.2—26.2.21
Institution: HEAD
Location: Geneva, CH

Students: Bellon-Serre Paul, D'Haultfoeuille Maylis, Dupraz Marie, Ferrero Noam, Kim Seongmin, Moura Ferreira Alexandre, Oros Barriga Alejandra, Paley Vincent, Pracca Eva, Tannorella Patrizio, Thiel Lauren, Vallejo Saro, Wagnières Elsa, Wiedmer Madeleine, Christe Lison, Guenin Maxence, Magnin Maxime, Michel Chloé

Robotic Online Workshop

Artificial Nutrition investigates human-robot interactions as they relate to the rituals and habits we have around food. How can a robot partake in a feat? Can a robot feed you and be fed? And what would that look like? Participants worked with robots to redefine these interactions, designing the process and experience of eating in a man-machine constellation. Due to Covid, the workshop was held online and set in a virtual environment.