Re-Programmed Art
An Open Manifesto
Re-programmed Art: An Open Manifesto is a project coordinated by Serena Cangiano and Davide Fornari, with the collaboration of Azalea Seratoni, promoted by the Laboratory of visual culture of SUSPSI, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, in partnership with Museo Alessi, Archivio Gabriele Devecchi, Archivio Gianni Colombo, Arduino, ECAV – Ecole cantonale d'art du Valais, SGM – Swiss Mechatronic Art Society, WeMake.
Re-Programmed Art: an open manifesto is a project developed in the context of «Viavai – Contrabbando culturale Svizzera-Lombardia», a program of binational exchanges, promoted by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and realised in partnership with the Cantons Ticino and Wallis, the City of Zurich, the Ernst Göhner Foundation and under the patronage of the Arts Councillorships of the Region Lombardy and of the Municipality of Milan.