What will we be reading?
Reading in all its forms
The mudac is pleased to introduce the first exhibition on reading… without books! What Will We Be Reading? starts from the idea that, far from disappearing, reading is a pleasure that can now be found in a multitude of sometimes unexpected forms: it is an ode to the joy of reading. Inspired by the French author Daniel Pennac’s 10 rights of the reader, it will add an eleventh right: the right to read without books.
The exhibition will be presented in mudac’s two ground floor rooms; here, stories slip into whis- pering pillows, suck us into virtual and immersive worlds, give up their secrets only after decoding and manipulation, and take shape beneath our eyes and our fingers.
Created by the industrial designer Nicolas Le Moigne and the mudac team, the exhibition presents a series of sometimes interactive installations, which bring stories to life in poetic, facetious and enchanting ways: we are invited to dive in, whether standing, seated or lying down. Far from pro- claiming the end of the paper book as we know it, the aim is to celebrate the pleasure of discovery and the imagination, in words and in images. Ideal for keen readers of all ages, and suitable for children.